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0.70% Daily For 45 Days
Min/Max: $50.00 / $150000.00
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Investment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 13%
Last Payout: Aug 31st, 2019
Added: Jul 31st, 2019
Monitored: 46 days
Lifetime: 46 days
CST170 is an innovative, technology enabled marketplace that provides a unique opportunity for all types of investors to participate in Oil & Gas deals based on their objectives and capability.We are a team of Traders, geophysicists, petroleum engineers, financial analysts and registered investment advisors. We are co-owners of 17 oil-wells, each of which brings more than 1800 tons of oil per year. This allows us to have an income that counts in the millions. CST170 is ready to provide technological and human resources, to implement new and large investments. If you are looking for an alternative way to invest in oil and gas, then we have the best opportunity for you.
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