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10% Daily For 100 Days
Min/Max: $10.00 / $200000.00
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 30%
Last Payout: Oct 30th, 2019
Added: Oct 5th, 2018
Monitored: 426 days
Lifetime: 426 days
Aharon Fund invest in the vast Natural Gas field in the world, we also trade forex making profit for individual, and we are also full of potential for the aspiring business. We are proud to say that, despite the instability in the global economy since 2008, Aharon Fund remains focused on achieving long-term strategic targets and objectives. We have done so, confident in the knowledge that the success of investments in the energy industry is measured over decades. Our specialist and collective knowledge is a key strength and one that allows AharonFund to work on any Investment project regardless of the scope. AharonFund unique and client-focused approach covers all facets of Investment project from Oil and gas to the forex market, to setting up of production Outlets any where in the world. The ability to mobilise our experts to take advantage of any investment opportunities makes us stand out in the investment world for a very long time.

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