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120% After 1 Hour
Min/Max: $30.00 / $9999.00
Referral: 3%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 116% in profit
Last Payout: Jan 15th, 2023
Added: Oct 10th, 2018
Monitored: 1791 days
Lifetime: 1791 days
Welcome to INFINITY COINS The priority of INFINITY COINS is achieving the highest return from the activity on the foreign currency exchange (Forex) and Cryptocurrency exchange markets. If you like the idea of starting online trades in the Forex and Cryptocurrency markets, INFINITY COINS will be your best investment carrier which will work without sleep or exhaustion to ensure proper care and outstanding revenue to each of our investors. INFINITY COINS is an investment fund which has been in business since 2015 and achieved noticeable results. The experience and skills of our traders and financial experts is the key to the success of the investment fund. The markets in which our traders work are highly risky, but professionals know effective ways to minimize risks and derive maximal revenue. Profits gained through the work of our specialists are fairly shared between the fund and private investors, our clients.

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