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1.08% - 1.5% hourly for 96 hours
Min/Max: $5.00 / $500000.00
Referral: 10%-5%-3%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 53%
Last Payout: Nov 14th, 2019
Added: May 25th, 2018
Monitored: 545 days
Lifetime: 545 days
We are professionally engaged in cryptocurrencies mining and trading, and have a large experience of the investment Industry. INSTANT HOUR LIMITED is a private investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom.Our team consists of professionals who provide clients and partners with confidence and only best consulting and financial services. Join our company and use a great chance to conquer the trading market and be successful people.Our company, INSTANT HOUR LIMITED, is engaged in the cryptocurrencies mining and investments in Blockchain technology as one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century, and achieved high results in own activities.Registration number of INSTANT HOUR LIMITED is 11359560.

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