hourunion.com screenshot
Not Paying
Min/Max: $10.00 / $100000.00
Referral: 10%-3%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 9%
Last Payout: Aug 31st, 2019
Added: May 27th, 2019
Monitored: 107 days
Lifetime: 107 days
HourUnion Investment LTD, which has been in business since 2015, a UK-based company involved in cryptocurrency trading and mining. HourUnion LTD provides investors the opportunity to acquire guaranteed and instant profits. If you have some free money you are not planning to use in the nearest future, depositing the money would be useful for making your money grow. The advantages of deposit are Good productivity, Safety and Simplicity. We would make all of our effort to offer the best service and high profitability and investment reliability levels for our customers. Our company has developed 3 highly profitable investment plans with one-time accruals of income after certain number of calendar hours or days. One-time accruals include your initial deposit plus earned profit, which means that your principal amount will not be returned separately. Our investment proposals can satisfy the needs of both small and large investors. Choose that plan and the time frame that suits you most - invest any amount and get your profit. We invite you to join us on this journey! With investment support, we can not only expand our borders, but also increase returns. It's a very profitable business, and this kind of activity brings us a decent income. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency trading is not for the weak - hearted, the crypto markets are fast paced and volatile. All our activities are based on the interest to maximize the return for our partners, while minimizing the risks involved. Time is valuable, but it is even more valuable on the cryptocurrency market. Do not waste your time, join us!

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